Roy and Julie are some of the most kind and encouraging people I know. They are so warm and welcoming that you just feel at home around them. We all know that relationships can be tough at times, so what a great opportunity to learn new tools that can help promote health between you and the people you love!

Amber Barr Abilene, TX

I was first introduced to Connection Codes and the Core Emotion Wheel at a retreat. Julie Zesch demonstrated and taught how to use the wheel. We were challenged to take it home and try it out with our children for a few weeks.

One of my children said, "Why are there more negative emotions and only one positive emotion?"

I had just the answer for them. Many of us wondered the same thing when Julie introduced the wheel to us. She shared with us the emotions are not necessarily negative or bad. They are just emotions, neither good nor bad. They are an expression of what we are feeling at the time and we all feel these at one point or another in our lives. Working through whatever emotions we are experiencing is important. and the Core Emotion Wheel is one way to do that, while emphasising emotions are not negative or positive...they are simply our feelings.

Brilliant tool to have in my family!

Connection Codes is a great place to begin your journey to healing real emotional pain and trauma, while learning new ways to interact and respond in healthy ways to our family and friends.

I recommend reading The Connection Codes by Dr. Glenn and Phyllis Hill to get your journey started.

Adrienne in Texas

I have known Roy for more than 30 years. In the last few years, since he has become familiar with the Connection Codes, he has become a true evangelist for helping people with improved communication skills and tools for processing emotions. Now as a Connection Code Coach he is offering his multiple years of research and personal application of these principles–to help people go from being disconnected to connected in their relationships. The many discussions I have had with Roy, and the skills and techniques that he has introduced me to, have been a tremendous blessing in my life, marriage, and parenting and I know it will be for you as well! Leslie Smith, husband/dad/missionary

Roy and Julie are warm and wonderful people whose hearts truly reflect the love of God. They have walked the walk through the valleys, and continue to let Christ shine. If you are seeking wise counsel, visiting Team Zesch is a solid place to start.

Tammy Coder in Arklahoma

How can I fully explain the impact Roy and Julie have had on my life? Since I met Roy and Julie over 20 years ago, they have both accepted me with no expectations. Between Roy’s listening ear and honest advice, and Julie’s example and guidance as a parent they taught me how to think differently, grow in my faith in Jesus, parent differently, and love others. This has been life changing. Roy and Julie have been a steady and consistent support in my life. They have opened their home and hearts to myself and my family. Their ability and willingness to love people despite any situation has opened the door to me seeing life in a new way. I am blessed to call them friends and mentors. Melissa

I am a retired pastor and I recently lost my wife of 48 years to Covid. It was devastating and those who loved me asked for me to get counseling. I wanted someone who had the skills to bring healing but also had gone through difficult times. I have known Roy and Julie Zesch for over 30 years and I have watched them go through many of life’s most tragic challenges. Yet today they are healed, restored and happy. What they offer to hurting people is compassion, hope and tools to be healed. They are fully qualified to coach and equip you with tools to overcome life’s most difficult challenges. They will help you overcome and be happy again. I can without hesitation recommend Roy and Julie.

Dr. Terry Sparks in Texas

Roy and Julie Zesch are a tremendous couple and great friends, and highly regarded in their respective communities.  They have a heart and a vision to see marriages succeed within the guidelines and authority of the Word of God.  Building the Kingdom, through healthy marriages.  I highly recommend this Godly “kingdom” minded couple. Wayne Barr