Sometimes we may not be the perfect fit for coaching you. Maybe you know us and have fear about letting us into your pain. Or something about us just doesn’t click with you. Maybe you speak another language(we only speak Texican, fairly good English, and very little Spanish). Here are some people we know and trust that would be happy to help you.

Elijah and Christina Runyan in California

Jeff and Jeanie Hosken in Utah

Jordan and Erika Koop in British Columbia, Canada

Lydia and Sebastian in Germany-German speaking

Eli Plante in Quebec Canada-French speaking

Hiubert and Xiomara Zamora in California-Spanish speaking

Isaac and Lorrie Fowler in Tennessee

Daniel Henke in California

Echo Hill Vetter in Tennessee- Dr Glenn and Phyllis’ daughter and inspiration for Connection Codes Parenting

Tera Wages in Tennessee-Connection Codes CEO and Coach

Bridgett Blood in Tennessee

Dr Glenn and Phyllis Hill in Tennessee Connection Codes founders